Stapanul inelelor film
Stapanul inelelor film

Of all the details, the costumes are the area where the production team's prowess shined the brightest. While they have their cringe-worthy moments, all three films still hold up under scrutiny - which certainly can't be said for all movies from the early years of the 21st century. The best testament to the scope of the movies can be seen in how well they still hold their own, even against more modern, CGI-infused competition. From jaw-dropping panoramic shots to oversized sets, an epic score, an armory of weapons, and an ocean of make-up and prosthetics, there's nothing about this trilogy that could be considered small. The sheer scope of the project was impressive on every level. However, none of the films that predated this point in time had anywhere near the level of ambition that The Lord of the Rings aimed for. There were plenty of fantasy films produced before The Fellowship of the Ring arrived in theaters in late 2001. That would be like saying 2008's Iron Man was the first superhero flick ever filmed. We're not claiming that Jackson's movies were the first fantasy films ever made.

Stapanul inelelor film